Working conditions
The health, safety and professional advancement of our employees is important to ROTHENBERGER and is supported with many measures. For example, there are offers to maintain health on a regular basis during working hours.
Only those who enjoy their work can approach clients empathetically, work with concentration and develop ideas. Personal exchange also plays an important role. In well-structured weekly meetings, current concerns and upcoming challenges are discussed and dealt with in a spirit of partnership. It is also possible to give feedback anonymously via the intranet application "Company Mood".
Prevention of occupational accidents
At all ROTHENBERGER production sites, the occupational safety of the employees is a top priority. It goes without saying that all legal safety precautions are strictly followed and implemented, but we would like to do even more to prevent accidents at work. To this end, we monitor the number of accident-free days on a daily basis. This number is an important parameter for occupational safety in production. We use it to quickly detect emerging safety gaps. For this purpose, we display the current figures clearly visible on a digital display board in front of the production hall. This way, all employees can check at a glance whether the figures are in the green zone. As soon as there is even a slight increase, we analyse the cause and work on an effective and sustainable solution to continue to guarantee the highest possible safety.
Employee health
To continuously promote the health and well-being of our teams, we offer regular health appointments through our company doctor. Especially in times of the Covid 19 pandemic, our year-long vaccination offer has proven doubly valuable. Our company doctor was able to start the Biontech vaccinations as early as spring 2021. In the meantime, we also organise the booster vaccinations, so that no one who works for us has to worry about making their own appointments with GPs or vaccination centres. In addition, every year we offer a bouquet of health-promoting measures from which employees can choose. This year, we again offer regular massage sessions with our physiotherapist during working hours.
Health Days
In order to promote the balance of body and mind at the workplace, ROTHENBERGER regularly holds action days for health. On the Health Day in August 2021, there was again a wide range of dates for workshops on healthy nutrition, stress management and mindfulness, as well as exercises to strengthen the back muscles. Sports enthusiasts booked guided e-bike tours, while culinary enthusiasts learned how to quickly create delicious, healthy dishes from just a few ingredients by cooking together. The next Health Day will take place in autumn - again with a programme that has something for everyone.
Trainee programme with many extras
Training has traditionally been a high priority at ROTHENBERGER. In the Main-Taunus district, we are one of the companies that offer the most apprenticeships. Our trainees are closely supervised in all phases to facilitate their entry into professional life and to promote their personal development in our company. Our "social week" in the second year of apprenticeship has been a fixed part of the programme for many years, during which the young people are actively involved in a social area and gain new experience. For this project, we work closely with the Friedrich Bodelschwingh School, the Oberursel workshops, the German Red Cross and the Usinger Land e.V. youth welfare organisation. We also encourage our trainees to get actively involved in our company. One example of this is the trainee company ROYOUNGSTARS, where our trainees can try out entrepreneurial activities on their own.
Talent Days
Promoting employees and developing junior managers is important to ROTHENBERGER. We give our talents the opportunity to develop further or to work on certain projects or to take them on themselves. We are particularly pleased when it turns out that a talent is suitable as a future leader. That is why we have had Talent Days since 2018, each time at a different location. At this event, our talents get to know each other and form a community that is spread across the entire company. At the Talent Days, new concepts and projects are developed and then implemented. One of our projects, which was developed by our young talents with a lot of enthusiasm and ideas, is the initiative "Integration no separation".